As our name grows we always love our reviews and we love satisfying our valued customers. We encourage buyers to leave there honest reviews good or bad it only will help make us a better shop and make our name better known. A lot of time and positive energy goes into making our crafts from start to the finished product right to shipping.
A lot of people left reviews and we thank you but here is one review by a buyer that messaged this review personally, we appreciate your honesty and thank you;
James R Wood writes;
"I really appreciate the beauty, design & craftsmanship of the staff. I'm honored to be able to have such a beautiful work of art, like the staff. I almost feel like I don't even deserve to have a piece that so wonderfully memorializes & commerates the significance of the Cayuga Nation's false face medicine healing ceremony. The world is a richer place to have that culture among us. Spiritual healing is something to be cherished. It's obvious that you cared deeply about the staff by the way you so carefully packed it for shipping.
If there's 1 word I would use to describe Cayuga_Concepts it's "respect". The organization & the art they promote is deeply respectful of the tradition and meaning that their art piece(s) commerate. The individual creativity & the quality of workmamship of the staff/stick that I purchased is excellent & it resulted in an art-piece that is truly a thing-of-beauty. I feel very fortunate that the artist & Cayuga Concepts have permitted me to share a symbol that represents such a deeply meaningful cultural tradition. It makes "authentic" real. Thank you!
This is a "personal" note: - - I really respect the individual craftsmanship of the artisan who made the staff/stick. When a fine piece of art, like that, is made, there is so much work that goes on "behind the scenes", quietly & out - of - sight: the inspiration of the concept, the choice of material, the design & the constant "tweaking" & working during construction. It's what helps to make an art piece like that "authentic". & craftsmanship uses many different crafts, media & technologies to produce authentic art. My grandfather was a blacksmith who made horseshoes, his brother made leather horse harnesses, my uncle did silk screen, my father built radar equipment & I'm a cartographer. I think that we're all artists, each in our own way, producing different art-forms. Along with the gifted Cayuga craftsman, we all share a special process of inspiration, creativity & careful workmanship. We share in an ancient, human endeavor that actually helps to create civilization, itself. I'm glad to have the opportunity to be able to share the culture & work of a fine, traditional artist/craftsman."
James had bought a walking stick/staff from us couple months back and left this amazing heart-filled review after receiving his order. After reading this review I thought "this is what its all about" the warmth and happiness of a satisfied customer that took the time out of his day to write this review not only put a smile on our faces but made all the hours working on the shop well worth it Thank you JAMES!